What do you get when you mix a time traveller, a parallel universe and a moral question? Well, Danes are about to find out! My short story titled Springerne (which roughly translates to The Jumpers) has been accepted for an annual Danish Science Fiction anthology. The story is expected to be published later in 2020 by SFC (Science Fiction Cirklen), and I’m rather excited once more to be part of the anthology.
The participating authors are listed below, sorted alphabetically by story title. Looks like I’ll be in good company! I’ve tried to look up the websites of each respective author, but this proved to be a daunting task – if you know the link for those I’ve missed (or if I got a link wrong, feel free to leave a comment).
A. Silvestri | All inclusive |
Lars Ahn | Billigt hotel |
Lillian Lund | Den lysende kugle |
Sofie Boysen | Den sidste astronaut |
Maria Aagaard | Drømmejobbet |
Ditlev Viðstein Petersen | Dårlig luft |
Simon Christiansen | En Hjælpende Hånd |
Helene Toksværd | Et meningsfuldt job |
Anna Line Søgaard | Evolution |
Gry Ranfelt | Fagre Gamle Verden |
Susse Kristiansen | Flugt |
Gudrun Østergaard | Forfædrene |
Sørine Amanda Nielsen | Gemini |
Lonni Krause | Hatten |
Kenneth Hansen | I hjertet af maskinen |
Stephanie Fjeldsø Fischer | Koldt hjerte |
Majbrit Høyrup | Kærlighed |
Thomas Hverring | Lortejob |
Mette Markert | Mars retur? |
Publius Enigma | Memory Hunters Ltd. |
Lars Behn-Segall | Må ikke bringes til overfladen |
Maria Thy Østengaard | Opbrud |
Sigrid Groth Nielsen | Retning nord |
Dmitri Burdykin | Skæbnens ironi |
Tim Sørensen | Springerne |
Niels Kjærgaard | Time to go |
Richard Ipsen | Vi har dem kun til låns |
Hanne Rump | Virtuel Sandhed |